Tania Sancho joins the management team as a Partner of the firm in Madrid, leading the Employment Law Department. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-21T08:03:10+02:00April, 2020|
New offices of MEANAGREENMAURA China in Beijing, under the direction of Yiqian Zhang. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:32:20+02:00April, 2020|
MEANAGREENMAURA expands to Colombia and opens an office in Bogota with Javier Rincon as partner leading the Colombian team. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:31:08+02:00April, 2019|
Meana Green Maura Management Limited, holding of MEANAGREENMAURA Group, is incorporated in the UK. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:31:42+02:00April, 2019|
F. Javier Zabala joins the management team, as a partner of the firm in Bilbao MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:30:47+02:00April, 2018|
Edmund Sweetman joined the partnership, heading the Barcelona office and leading the English Law practice together with Jaime Soroa. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:29:58+02:00April, 2017|
MEANAGREENMAURA took an important step by opening its UK desk in London providing services to its Spanish and Latin American clients under English law. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:30:31+02:00April, 2017|
MEANAGREENMAURA opens its first office abroad incorporating a company in Mexico. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:29:44+02:00April, 2016|
Edmund Sweetman joins the MEANAGREENMAURA team opening an office in Barcelona MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:28:57+02:00April, 2015|
F. Javier Zabala joins the firm, becoming the Legal Director of the Bilbao office. MeanaGreenMaura2020-04-24T15:29:25+02:00April, 2015|